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  • Offices located in the Buckhead district
  • In the heart of southeastern United States
  • 30 minutes from the airport
  • Free parking

Host city of the 1996 Olympic Games and location of the Coca-Cola headquarters, Atlanta is the dynamic economic capital of the southeastern United States and a source of national pride. Its population increased by 24% between 2000 and 2010 and continues to grow. The Federal Reserve’s economic outlook for the United States is encouraging and the southern US is proving to be fertile territory for Québec companies. The MRIFCE has had a delegation in Atlanta since 1978, and the French-speaking community on site has been responsible for creating 30,000 jobs in Georgia. While it is desirable for Québec businesses to diversify their target markets internationally, Québec’s economic relationship with the US remains of vital importance to its economy. In 2012, 67% of Québec exports went to our neighbour to the south.

Offices 24/7
6 closed offices
10 open-plan workspaces

High-speed internet access, Wi-Fi
Telephone line
Multifunction photocopier

Common infrastructure
2 meeting rooms
1 stock room for brochures/samples